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Domestic UV Water Treatment Systems Smaller units, ideal for the disinfection of water from wells, boreholes and natural water sources - as well as hotels, guesthouses and small-scale industrial applications. Industrial UV Water Treatment Systems Ideal for the disinfection of water for industrial processes, for example in food and beverage manufacture, as well as for process water and greywater recycling Municipal UV Water Treatment Validated solutions for municipal and industrial wastewater disinfection, including drinking water, wastewater and storm surge water. Open Channel Inclined Municipal

UV Solutions For You


UV Treatment is a fast, chemical-free and cost effective way to disinfect water from harmful bacteria, viruses, mould spores, algae and yeast; making water safe.

Bacteria and viruses have known, but limited repair mechanisms, that are easily overwhelmed. Exposure to UV photons (light) prevents cell replication and inactivates bacteria and viruses.

Bacteria and viruses, crucially, can develop resistance to antibiotics and chemicals but have not been shown to develop any resistance to UV.

Advantages of UV - Salons and Personal Grooming
Effluent Water treatment plant

UV Water Treatment Specialists

Ultraviolet (UV) light is a natural process and does not produce harmful chemicals in water disinfection. It’s a safe, effective and environmentally friendly disinfection method that inactivates waterborne bacteria, viruses and protozoa to make water safe.

UV has been internationally recognised for over 100 years and is used for municipal and water companies, industrial, commercial and residential applications globally.

Infection Prevention & Control

Exposure to UV photons prevents cell replication. Bacteria and viruses have known, but, limited repair mechanisms that are easily overwhelmed. Unlike antibiotics and chemical disinfectants, bacteria and viruses, crucially, have not been shown to systematically develop further resistance to UV.

Daro UV Systems, Infection Prevention and Control, Sudbury, Suffolk, UK - solutions

Water Disinfection

drinking water in kitchen, domestic UV water disinfection
Water Industrial Plant
UK Municipal Water Companies - Daro UV Systems
Water treatment Plant
Swimming Pool
Water bottles
Water Recycling Services, Daro UV Systems
Hand Hygiene - Daro UV Systems


ISO 9001 Quality Management nqa Accreditation
ISO 14001 Environmental Management nqa Accreditation
Achilles UVDB Silver Plus Accreditation